Apple Cals
Product Information
Four of our ALL NATURAL Apple Cals a day provide a full RDA of CALCIUM with Boron and Vitamin D to improve absorption. Each caplet also contains 8% acidity RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and a touch of RAW HONEY. Your Apple Cals are diabetic friendly (a free food exchange) and reasonably priced so you can use them every day.
People of all ages need CALCIUM for strong bones and teeth. Postmenopausal women especially need CALCIUM to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Many studies also suggest that proper CALCIUM intake may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and help prevent other serious diseases.
But too many of us are not getting enough CALCIUM in our diet. In fact, health authorities tell us that our low intake of CALCIUM is a "priority nutritional problem" in this country. Ask your Doctor about health problems you might be risking if you are not getting enough CALCIUM. You'll find how important this mineral is to good health but how easy it is to assure you're getting adequate amounts every day.
These two "super foods" from nature when mixed together are Hippocrates' first medicine. They help normalize your body's pH so you can feel your best. Besides being loaded with vitamins and enzymes, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and RAW HONEY contain important minerals, and are especially rich in Potassium and Magnesium. Potassium and Magnesium are also necessary for your body to absorb CALCIUM.
According to Doctor Wallach in his famous audio tape "Dead Doctors Don't Lie", as well as other experts in the field of nutrition, your body may be displaying signs of a calcium deficiency. Look over the following list and if you have some of these symptoms, you may need more calcium in your diet:
Please consult your Doctor if you have any of the above conditions- especially if they are pronounced. Do not try to self medicate unless you are a trained MD. Many of the above symptoms could be caused by a condition more serious than a calcium deficiency. If you trust your Doctor, spend a few dollars to seek his/her advice. It will be worth it for your health.
We designed Apple Cals so that four capsules per day would provide you with a full RDA of Calcium. You can get the same amount of Calcium from drinking three full glasses of milk each day. The RDA of Calcium is 1000 mg but many experts say that somewhere around 1400 mg is optimal. It is generally agreed that anything over 2000 mg is spilt out of your system and wasted.
If you can't tolerate dairy products, take four to six Apple Cals per day. If you can include a couple dairy servings in your diet, perhaps two Apple Cals per day is all you need. Do a little study about your current diet and a few simple calculations and it will be easy to figure what is optimal for you.
Price: $19.95
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